Creating a Jewel

The process

  • Step 1 - Initial Consultation

    An initial phone call to discuss the project, the type of jewel desired (ring, necklace, earrings), any gemstones of interest, any other information that may lead the design, the deadline, and finally the budget. 

    After receiving this information, relevant design ideas and gems will be collated to show you in the following appointment.

  • Step 2 - Appointment

    An opportunity to meet in person (or over zoom if abroad), review the ideas and have a look at similar items of jewellery or previous designs, and any suitable gems.

    Usually at this point we shall take finger sizes or any other required information needed to begin the design.

  • Step 3 - Design Deposit

    Prior to detailed jewellery designs being undertaken we require a non-refundable design deposit of £1,000. Upon receiving this the designs will commence and this part usually takes between 2-3 weeks approximately. More complex design will require more time.

  • Step 4 - Designs and Quotations

    Once the designs are ready they shall be presented with any further gems - all subtleties and intricacies will be discussed in detail and finally the prices of each design (in line with your original budget).

  • Step 5 - Production of Jewel

    Upon selecting your final design production will begin. At this point a 50% deposit payment for the actual work and materials is required.

    Lead times vary, yet a simple gold and gem ring, like the classic style from our Deva collection will usually be around 6-8 weeks approximately. A more complex design may take longer.

    All our pieces are made by hand and of very high quality. if you have a specific deadline you are working to such as a wedding or birthday please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate.

  • Step 6 - Completed Jewel

    On completion of the jewel, the 50% balance payment is made and the jewel presented along with any relevant certificates in our beautiful black Vietnamese lacquer boxes.